OAuth 2.0

Getting the authentication code

Before you begin, obtain an authorization code by using the information you received when registering a new application. If the user is allowed to return back to the client application, the redirect_uri will be used to redirect the user and an authentication code is returned as the code parameter. Log in is required so browser access should be used over command-line tools such as curl.

GET https://biz.conyac.cc/oauth/authorize


  • response_type
    If you want to get an authorization code, set this field to code.
  • client_id
    ID of the application to be issued an authentication code
  • redirect_uri
    The redirection URL you specified when registering the application


Access the following example URL through your browser with your entered parameters:


After logging in, you should be redirected to a URL like the following example:


Getting your access token

You will get an access token using the authorization code obtained from above.

POST https://biz.conyac.cc/oauth/token


  • client_id:
    Application ID
  • client_secret:
  • redirect_uri:
    URF-8 encoded OAuth callback URL
  • grant_type:
  • code:
    The code that was obtained above


curl https://biz.conyac.cc/oauth/token \
  -d client_id=df256790540e639c9ef7a1debc31ae09405170c5b51b76d4a123b910cc032e56 \
  -d client_secret=f11d67fe92e97c371dec524e989ed3289828e604f5c4c4b545e7392dfb47d7a3 \
-d redirect_uri=https%3A%2F%2Fyourconyacapp.com%2Foauth%2Fconyac%2Fcallback \
-d grant_type=authorization_code \
-d code=b35ec927409e96ce3676ccc77e27240a205d4fe5e74d446c34e42e2f5f72c5ca
  "access_token": "a5adb9bc60a9ed4438f7db1443971181b1dab875f0d6994d3245aa4cee7e34b8",
  "token_type": "bearer",
  "expires_in": null,
  "refresh_token": null,
  "scope": ""

OAuth 2.0 authentication example

Because Conyac API is implemented with regards to the OAuth 2.0 standard, API access and authentication is possible with the consumer OAuth 2.0 library that is open to the public. Here is an example of authentication using the oauth2 Ruby gem.

Ruby (oauth2 gem)

Run the following in irb

require 'oauth2'
callback = "https://yourconyacapp.com/oauth/conyac/callback"
app_id = "df256790540e639c9ef7a1debc31ae09405170c5b51b76d4a123b910cc032e56"
secret = "f11d67fe92e97c371dec524e989ed3289828e604f5c4c4b545e7392dfb47d7a3"
client = OAuth2::Client.new(app_id, secret, site: "https://biz.conyac.cc/")
client.auth_code.authorize_url(redirect_uri: callback)

When the URL is returned, simply copy and paste it to your browser’s address bar.


Since (https://yourconyacapp.com) Web application does not currently exist, please ignore any ‘webpage is not available’ warnings. If you look at your browser’s address bar, you should notice that it has been redirected and you are now at the following URL.


Use 205f705d46ccd7cdc0ea4f7f3db113289291ba8092f7e10586b9b1e2c1fe8e34 code to get the access token from irb.

access_token = client.auth_code.get_token('205f705d46ccd7cdc0ea4f7f3db113289291ba8092f7e10586b9b1e2c1fe8e34', redirect_uri: callback)

access_token.token is the actual access token.

 => "2b0bf9de2146afa09996c2c6b180d69e9d6f1791c39dd169355a32adf3cf389f"

Reference Site